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Tips to Prepare Well for Exams

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Tips to Prepare Well for Exams

Tips to Prepare Well for Exams is a 2-part Course designed for students sitting for major exams like SPM, STPM,UEC and IGCSE.  Part 1 deals with tips to prepare well for exams whereby students have a minimum of one year to prepare.  Part 2 deals with tips to prepare well for exams whereby students have  only about 4 to 5 months to prepare, in other words, a last minute preparation! Can students still do it – only 4 to 5 months left ?  Yes, they can !  Follow the tips by Dr Lee in these 2 videos.    

For Part 1 of the Course  “Tips to Prepare Well for Exams, ”  I share with students who still have at least 12 months before their exams.  Such students can do very well if they follow my tips.  For Part 2 of the Course  “Tips to Prepare Well for Exams, ”  I share with students who still have only 4 to 5 months before their exams.  Such students can still be on time for their exams and pass if they follow my tips.  With such a short time, you might panic and be anxious.  But do not be – you have to be calm as it will not help you at all!

Students – you have to know yourself.  You have to identify the best time when you can absorb everything you learn.  Not everyone must study and do revision at night.  Some students study best in the afternoon or after midnight !  You must know yourself.  Switch off your handphone when you study.  A handphone around your study area is a distraction and you will not be able to concentrate .  Even if you turn off the notifications in your handphone, your eyes will still be on that handphone whenever messages come in!  If you are really serious to do well in your exam, you should just use the handphone for receiving texts from family or close friends.  All online games, songs, music, movies, etc should be removed from your handphone until the exam is over. 

Remember to make your own Time-table and the time should be from the moment you reach home.  How much time should you allocate for study ?  It is best to allocate 35 to 40 minutes each time you study.  After 35 to 40 minutes, take a rest for 5 to 10 minutes, then continue again. If you have at least one year before  the exams, you should study 2 to 2.5 hours daily besides going for tuition.  Follow your time-table strictly and do not keep changing it.  Be disciplined and do not pamper yourself.  Do not reward yourself with a short holiday or a day off because you have spent 6 days studying that week!  The more time you put in to study, the better you become! Do not postpone to another day when it is time you to study. 

If you still have a year before your exam,  study  the notes given by your school and tuition centres. Make your own notes from your school textbooks .  Buy books on Model Tests, Trial Exams and Past Years’ Papers.  Do all the questions and check the answers behind the book. Ensure you know why your answers are wrong by asking your teachers or tutors.  The more exercises you do, the better you become!  If you have 4 to 5 months before your exam, shorten all the notes given to you so that it is easier to study.  Concentrate on  Model Tests, Trial Exams and Past Years’ Papers.  Do all the questions and check the answers behind the book.  As time is running out, do not waste time doing questions that you cannot do.  Memorise the answers given in the Answer Sheet. That is the best you can do ! ps to

Tips to Prepare Well for Exams

Prepare Well for Exams

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What Will You Learn?

  • 1. You will have a full grasp of how to prepare well for your exam and do well !
  • 2. You will be able to plan your time well by making your own Time-table.
  • 3. You will learn to manage yourself after watching from my videos and learning all the tactics and techniques I have taught .
  • 4. You will also learn the different methods of preparing for your exam a year or 4 to 5 months before exams.
  • 5. You will enable you to be learn effectively, be more confident and most of all, do well in your exams !

Course Content

Part 1 – How to Prepare Well for Exams
Deals with tips to prepare well for exams whereby students have a minimum of one year to prepare.

  • Part 1 video course – Deals with tips to prepare well for exams whereby students have a minimum of one year to prepare.

Part 2 – How to Prepare Well for Exams
Deals with tips to prepare well for exams whereby students have only about 4 to 5 months to prepare.

Student Ratings & Reviews

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4 years ago
This webinar was extremely helpful because, as an IGCSE student, it helped me understand the proper tactics and techniques toward how to prepare well for your exam. And the instructors were very good at presenting.
I highly recommend this webinar for students, who still have a year before their exam or still have only 4 to 5 months before their exams.

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